Tag: Identity

Matariki Art

For Art Room 11 here at Glen Taylor School decided to do some abstract Matariki art. We had to choose 3 stars and create a picture representing that star. The stars I have chosen were Pohutukawa which represents remembering those who have passed. Waiti & Waita meaning the Ocean. Lastly Tupu-a-rangi representing food from the forest. Check out my Art!

Red, White and Brass

A few weeks ago Team Tui had the opportunity to have a day out of school and got to the cinemas to watch Red, White and Brass. In my opinion the Movie was really exciting, I was so proud because the movie was based on my culture and what my Country can do. This Tongan movie really made me proud to be a Tongan Girl. I am so grateful my Culture and Country appeared on the big screen.